Following God’s Will: Important Truths to Remember

Practical steps in following God’s will and living a meaningful life

Understanding God’s Will and Its Importance

Comprehending God’s will and its significance in our lives is the initial step towards a purposeful existence. His will is not a mere set of rules or restrictions but a loving blueprint designed to guide us towards fulfillment and joy. When we align our desires with His plan, we experience a profound sense of peace and contentment that transcends earthly circumstances.

God’s will is not a one-size-fits-all prescription but a personalized roadmap tailored to each individual’s unique journey. It considers our strengths, weaknesses, and the intricate tapestry of our lives. By following His will, we can navigate life’s challenges with confidence, knowing that our steps are ordered by a loving and wise Creator.

Furthermore, embracing God’s will fosters a deeper connection with Him. As we surrender our plans and ambitions, we open ourselves to His divine guidance, allowing Him to mold and shape us into the individuals He desires us to become. This transformative process not only enriches our spiritual lives but also positively impacts our relationships, careers, and overall well-being.

Learning from Abraham’s obedience to God’s will

It’s one thing to know God’s will, but it’s another to follow God’s will. Many Christians walk away from God’s will in times of trials. This is a decision that you’ll end up regretting after paying the consequences.

Abraham was a man of faith. When God called him, he immediately obeyed even though he had no idea where God was leading him (Hebrews 11:8.) His obedience led him to a place called Canaan, where he was supposed to stay in the center of God’s will.

However, Abraham faced trials that challenged his faith in God. You may be in the center of His will, but I guarantee you that there will be trials that will tempt you to walk away.

Related Topic: How To Know God’s Will

You’re not exempted from trials when you’re following God’s will

And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land.

Genesis 12:10

If you are in God’s will, you might expect that all God’s blessings will be given to you and that you’ll no longer have any problems. Nothing can be further from the truth.

When Abraham arrived in Canaan, he was welcomed by a grievous famine instead of a great blessing. It was God’s will for Abraham to be in Canaan, but God allowed problems to come into his life. As a result, he left Canaan and journeyed into Egypt, walking away from God’s will.

In Mark 4:35-41, we read the story of how the Lord Jesus Christ calmed the storm over the sea of Galilee. Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ decided to cross the sea at night. The disciples followed the Lord Jesus Christ; they were in the center of God’s will. But that did not exempt them from God’s testing.

God allows problems to come into your life, not to drive you away. But for you to realize that you will have his protection and provision when you are in God’s will.

Related Topic: The Heresy Of Prosperity Gospel

The will of God will never lead you to where the grace of God will not sustain you.

Edifying the saints

Waking away from God’s will during trials does not solve the problem

11And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife, Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon: 12Therefore it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they shall say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but they will save thee alive.

Genesis 12:11-12

Thinking that walking away from God’s will was the right decision, Abraham finds himself in another problem. His life is in danger because of his wife, Sarai. This shows that leaving God’s will is never the solution to the problem; it makes it worse.

You might think leaving your church or quitting your ministry will solve your problem. You’re just setting yourself up for a much worse situation. By the way, walking away from God’s will in times of trials is illogical. You’re supposed to draw closer to God when problems come.

Sure, it’s challenging to go through trials, and I cannot put myself in your position. I won’t tell you I know how you feel because I don’t. But I’m sure none of us experienced what Job had to endure.

Job lost his children, properties, and wealth, and his friends even falsely accused him. But he never walked away from God. Instead, he found a reason to glorify God (Job 1:21.) Until God showed the glory of his creation, then Job understood that God was in control.

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

Job 38:4

This is the principle we need to realize while going through trials. We might not understand everything else that’s happening. We need to recognize that God is in control of everything.

When you stop following God, you’ll become a curse instead of a blessing

And the LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai Abram’s wife.

Genesis 12:17

Abraham was supposed to be a blessing to the people around him. But because he walked away from God’s will, his family was in danger, and Pharaoh’s house was plagued because of him.

You can’t be a blessing when you walk away from God’s will. Instead, you will be a curse to your family and the people around you. God’s children are supposed to be a blessing. But there are many examples of people who put their loved ones in danger because of their wrong decision.

When Achan disobeyed God, he paid the consequence along with his family. King Saul walked away from God’s will, and because of that, he and his sons died in battle. Jonah deliberately disobeyed God; as a result, God sent a storm to trouble him and the shipmen with him.

There are so many examples in the Bible that I can show you that walking away from God’s will is a terrible decision. Think about it; you’re just putting yourself in a horrific situation. Not to mention the people around you whom you’re supposed to care for. Remember, you cannot be a blessing outside of God’s will.

Related Topic: The Consequences Of Disobeying God

You can always get back into God’s will

And Abram went up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him, into the south.

Genesis 13:1

After experiencing the consequences of his actions, Abraham finally decided to leave Egypt and return to God’s will. Many Christians are too proud to acknowledge their mistake. They would rather stay outside God’s will because they’re too arrogant to admit their mistake and ask forgiveness for their sin.

3And he went on his journeys from the south even to Bethel, unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Hai; 4Unto the place of the altar, which he had made there at the first: and there Abram called on the name of the LORD.

Genesis 13:3-4

Notice also that Abraham never prayed to God while he was in Egypt. He never built an altar to pray. How could Abraham do that when he knew he was out of God’s will?

If you’re outside God’s will, I’m sure you’re struggling to pray. Because you know that you ought to get right with God. Admit your mistake, get back into God’s will, and get right with God.

Studying the Scriptures for Guidance

The Bible, the inspired Word of God, serves as an invaluable resource for discerning His will. Within its pages, we find timeless principles, wisdom, and guidance that illuminate the path before us. As we diligently study and meditate on the Scriptures, our minds are renewed, and our understanding of God’s ways deepens.

Consider the following approaches to studying the Scriptures for guidance:

  1. Topical Study: Explore specific themes or subjects that relate to your current circumstances or decisions. This focused approach can provide valuable insights and practical applications.
  2. Character Study: Examine the lives of biblical figures and how they navigated challenges, made decisions, and followed God’s leading. Their stories can serve as inspiring examples and cautionary tales.
  3. Verse Meditation: Select a particular verse or passage that resonates with you, and ponder its meaning and application to your life. Allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate its truth and relevance.
  4. Contextual Reading: Read passages in their broader context, considering the historical, cultural, and literary settings. This practice can deepen your understanding and prevent misinterpretation.

Remember, the Scriptures are a living and active source of guidance, illuminated by the Holy Spirit. Approach them with an open heart and a willingness to apply their teachings to your life (Hebrews 4:12.)

Related Topic: Importance of Bible Reading

Surrendering to God’s Plan and Letting Go of Control

Following God’s will often requires a surrender of our own desires, plans, and control. This act of surrender can be challenging, as it demands a relinquishment of our perceived autonomy and a trust in God’s sovereign wisdom. However, it is in this surrender that we find true freedom and peace.

Consider the following steps to surrender to God’s plan:

  1. Acknowledge Your Limitations: Recognize that your understanding and perspective are finite, while God’s wisdom and knowledge are infinite. Embrace a posture of humility and openness.
  2. Confess Your Fears and Doubts: Bring your anxieties, uncertainties, and doubts before God, allowing Him to replace them with His perfect peace and assurance.
  3. Yield Your Will: Intentionally choose to align your desires and plans with God’s will, even when it conflicts with your own preferences or expectations.
  4. Trust in God’s Goodness: Rest in the knowledge that God’s plan for your life is rooted in His unwavering love and desire for your ultimate good.
  5. Embrace a Posture of Obedience: Commit to obedience, even when the path ahead seems unclear or challenging. Trust that God will provide the necessary guidance and strength as you take each step.

Remember, surrendering control is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. As you cultivate a lifestyle of surrender, you will experience increasing freedom, joy, and fulfillment in following God’s will.

Trusting God’s Timing and Patience

Discerning and following God’s will often requires patience and trust in His perfect timing. Our human perspective is limited, and we may struggle to understand the intricate tapestry of events and circumstances that God is weaving together. However, by exercising patience and trusting in God’s sovereignty, we can navigate the journey with confidence and peace.

Consider the following practices to cultivate patience and trust in God’s timing:

  • Reflect on examples from Scripture or personal experiences where God’s timing proved perfect, even when it initially seemed delayed or confusing.
  • Remind yourself that God’s perspective is eternal, and His plans often extend beyond our immediate circumstances or desires.
  • Embrace the present moment, focusing on faithfully stewarding the opportunities and responsibilities before you.
  • Resist the temptation to rush ahead or force outcomes, as this can lead to unwise decisions and missed opportunities.
  • Surrender your timeline to God, trusting that He will orchestrate events according to His perfect plan and purpose.

Remember, patience is not merely passive waiting but an active trust in God’s wisdom and sovereignty. As you cultivate patience and trust in His timing, you will experience a profound sense of peace and confidence, knowing that your life is in the hands of a loving and all-wise Father.

Taking Action and Stepping Out in Faith

While discerning God’s will involves prayer, study, and seeking counsel, it also requires taking action and stepping out in faith. God’s guidance often unfolds as we move forward in obedience, trusting that He will provide clarity and direction along the way.

Consider the following steps to take action and step out in faith:

  1. Identify Opportunities: Be attentive to doors that God may be opening, whether through circumstances, relationships, or inner promptings. These opportunities may be invitations to step out in faith.
  2. Seek Confirmation: Before taking action, seek confirmation from multiple sources, such as Scripture, wise counsel, and the peace of the Holy Spirit. This helps ensure that your steps align with God’s will.
  3. Start Small: If you’re unsure of the larger picture, take small steps of obedience in the direction you feel led. God often reveals His will incrementally as we demonstrate faithfulness.
  4. Embrace Courage: Following God’s will may require stepping out of your comfort zone or facing challenges and opposition. Embrace courage, remembering that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness.
  5. Persevere in Faith: As you take action, trust that God will provide the necessary resources, wisdom, and guidance to sustain you. Persevere in faith, even when the path seems unclear or obstacles arise.

Remember, taking action and stepping out in faith is an essential part of the journey. It is in these moments of obedience that we experience the reality of God’s presence and provision, deepening our trust and strengthening our faith.

Embracing God’s Will in Everyday Life

Following God’s will is not limited to major life decisions or extraordinary circumstances. It encompasses every aspect of our daily lives, from the mundane tasks to the significant milestones. By embracing God’s will in our everyday routines and interactions, we cultivate a lifestyle of obedience and honor Him in all we do.

Consider the following ways to embrace God’s will in your daily life:

  • Start each day with a commitment to seek and follow God’s will, inviting His presence and guidance into your activities.
  • Approach your work, relationships, and responsibilities with a spirit of excellence, viewing them as opportunities to glorify God and serve others.
  • Practice gratitude and contentment, trusting that God has placed you in your current circumstances for a purpose.
  • Seek opportunities to share your faith, encourage others, and extend acts of kindness and compassion.
  • Remain attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, allowing God to redirect your steps or reveal new opportunities throughout the day.
  • End each day with reflection, acknowledging God’s faithfulness and inviting Him to continue shaping your heart and mind according to His will.

Remember, embracing God’s will in everyday life is a continuous journey of surrender, obedience, and transformation. As you cultivate this lifestyle, you will experience the profound joy and fulfillment that comes from living in alignment with His perfect plan.

Conclusion: Living a Meaningful Life by Following God’s Will

Ultimately, following God’s will is the pathway to living a truly meaningful and purposeful life. When we align our desires and actions with His divine plan, we experience a deep sense of fulfillment that transcends earthly pursuits or achievements. Our lives become a testament to His faithfulness, and our legacy extends beyond our temporal existence.

Consider the following benefits of living a life guided by God’s will:

  • Inner Peace: By surrendering to God’s plan, we exchange anxiety and restlessness for a profound sense of peace that surpasses understanding.
  • Eternal Impact: Our obedience to God’s will has ripple effects that extend far beyond our immediate circumstances, impacting generations to come.
  • Spiritual Growth: As we navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with following God’s will, our faith is strengthened, and our character is refined.
  • Divine Purpose: We find our true purpose and identity in Christ, living each day with a sense of significance and meaning.
  • Lasting Legacy: Our lives become a living testimony of God’s love, grace, and faithfulness, inspiring others to seek and follow His will.

Remember, the journey of following God’s will is not always easy, but it is profoundly rewarding. By embracing His plan for our lives, we experience the fullness of joy and the depth of meaning that can only be found in a life wholly surrendered to Him.

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