The Purpose of Trials: Hidden Lessons In The Wilderness

Learning the purpose of trials from the Hebrews’ wilderness experience

Introduction to Trials and Their Significance

Trials and challenges are an inevitable part of the human experience. They come in many forms, from personal struggles and hardships to large-scale societal and global challenges. While it’s natural to view trials as burdens or obstacles, it’s important to recognize their deeper purpose and significance. Trials can be transformative experiences that shape our character, strengthen our faith, and reveal hidden lessons that can guide us towards personal growth and a deeper understanding of God’s plan for our lives.

In this article, we will explore the purpose of trials by examining the profound lessons that emerged from the Hebrews’ wilderness experience. By understanding the hidden wisdom within their journey, we can gain insights that can be applied to our own lives, helping us navigate the trials we face with greater resilience, faith, and purpose.

The Hebrews’ Wilderness Experience

There are many reasons why God allows trials in our life. We don’t understand the reason behind this. But the wilderness experience of the Hebrews will show us the purpose of trials.

And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no.

Deuteronomy 8:2

Notice from the Bible that God led the Hebrews into the wilderness. It also shows God’s purpose for bringing them into that place.

Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint;

Deuteronomy 8:15

You can find nothing but trials and tribulations in the wilderness. But it is also where our faith will be tested in many ways.

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

James 1:2

The purpose of trials: Based on the wilderness wanderings of the Hebrews

God wants to know what’s in our hearts.

22So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water. 23And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah. 24And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?

Exodus 15:22-24

The Israelites witnessed how God divided the Red Sea. They have seen how God humbled the heart of Pharaoh through the ten mighty plagues. But they are now in the wilderness. And the first difficulty that they experience is a great thirst for water.

For three days, they traveled in the wilderness without water. Finally, they found water. They must have been so excited to drink from that water. But they were disappointed when the water turned out to be bitter.

God is the Almighty, and there is nothing He will keep from His children. But why would God give them bitter waters when He can provide drinkable water, which He will do eventually?

And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.

Exodus 15:27

God led them to the wilderness, in bitter waters, to know what was in their hearts, just as God leads us to bitter circumstances to know what is in our hearts.

Our character is revealed in bitter circumstances.

Edifying the saints

We can put on a façade like everything is all right. But bitter circumstances reveal who we are. The Hebrews revealed what was in their heart when they were in Marah.

And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?

Exodus 15:24

God wants to know whether we’ll obey Him or not.

Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.

Exodus 16:4

The wilderness is a place where there’s almost no source of food. And one of the trials they found in the wilderness was a shortage of resources. But God provided Manna for the people as proof of His faithfulness. Moses had instructed the Israelites on how to gather and consume the Manna, which the Lord had provided.

However, some disobeyed the instructions of God. Some had gathered more than what they needed and reserved it for later. This is against the command that God had given them.

We’re tempted to disobey God when there is a shortage of resources because people are more concerned about their physical satisfaction than their spiritual well-being.

It’s easy to give our offerings to the Lord when we have much. But when resources are scarce, that’s when the devil tempts us to disobey God’s command to give. We serve God when everything is going well. But when resources are scarce, that’s when the devil tempts us to stop our service to God. We worship God when resources are abundant. But when resources are scarce, that’s when the devil tempts us to curse God.

You may think that they disobeyed God because of their greed and discontentment. But in a more profound sense, they had no faith that God would provide for them the next day, so they depended on themselves. God created us to be dependent on Him, not on ourselves.

God wants us to prove our love for Him.

1If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, 2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; 3Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 13:1-3

Relationship problem is one of the trials and tribulations that we go through. In the case of the Hebrews, God tested their commitment to Him through the false prophets among them.

There are people among us who can be an instrument of temptation to our commitment to God. It could be a family member, it could be a person at work, it could be a close friend, it could be someone you look up to, and it could be someone inside the church.

Joseph’s brethren sold him to slavery. King Saul persecuted David. Diotrephes betrayed John the beloved.

The people whom you love the most are the people who can hurt you the most.

Edifying the saints

God allows trials and tribulations in our life because of these reasons. But we will also find that the mercy, grace, and power of God are more than sufficient to sustain us.

Remember that the wilderness is not our home. It’s just a place we must travel through to get to our promised land.

The purpose of trials: Based on our daily struggles in life

At the heart of the Hebrews’ wilderness experience lies the profound truth that trials are not merely obstacles to be overcome, but rather opportunities for growth, transformation, and the revelation of God’s wisdom. When we face trials, we are often tempted to view them as burdens or punishments, failing to recognize the hidden lessons and blessings they can bring.

  1. Refine our Faith: Trials challenge our beliefs and force us to rely on God more deeply, strengthening our trust in His divine plan and guidance.
  2. Build Character: Facing adversity and overcoming obstacles develops qualities like perseverance, patience, and resilience, which are essential for spiritual and personal growth.
  3. Reveal God’s Provision: In the midst of trials, we often witness God’s miraculous provision, reminding us of His unwavering care and the importance of surrender and dependence on Him.
  4. Foster Spiritual Maturity: Trials push us to seek God more earnestly, leading to a deeper understanding of His nature and a closer relationship with Him.
  5. Prepare Us for the Future: The lessons learned during trials equip us with the wisdom and strength to face future challenges, empowering us to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.

Lessons Learned from the Wilderness

The Hebrews’ wilderness experience offers a wealth of lessons that can guide us in our own trials and challenges. Some of the key insights we can glean from their journey include:

  1. The Importance of Faith: The Hebrews’ faithlessness in the face of adversity serves as a stark reminder of the vital role of unwavering trust in God, even when circumstances seem bleak.
  2. The Necessity of Obedience: The Hebrews’ frequent rebellions against God’s commands revealed the importance of submitting to His guidance and following His instructions, even when they seem difficult or counterintuitive.
  3. The Provision of God: The Hebrews’ miraculous provision of food, water, and protection in the wilderness revealed the unwavering care and faithfulness of God, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Conclusion: Embracing Trials as Opportunities for Growth and Transformation

In conclusion, the Hebrews’ wilderness experience serves as a powerful reminder that trials and challenges are not merely obstacles to be overcome, but rather opportunities for growth, transformation, and the revelation of God’s wisdom. By understanding the deeper purpose of trials and applying the lessons learned from the Hebrews’ journey, we can navigate our own trials with greater resilience, faith, and purpose.

As we face the trials and challenges that come our way, let us embrace them as chances to deepen our relationship with God, cultivate essential qualities like perseverance and character, and trust in His plan for our lives. For it is through trials that we are refined, strengthened, and prepared to fulfill the greater purpose God has in store for us.

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