How to Know God’s Will: Seeking God’s Guidance

Biblical Principles on How to know God’s will

Introduction to seeking God’s will

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves at crossroads, unsure of which path to take. It is during these moments that we long for God’s guidance, a compass that can steer us in the right direction. As believers, we have the incredible privilege of seeking God’s will for our lives. However, discerning His voice amidst the noise of the world can be a daunting task. This article aims to provide a step-by-step guide to help you understand and embrace God’s perfect plan for your life.

Knowing God’s will for your life is a continuous journey, not a one-time event. You must surrender your plans and desires to His perfect plan. It can be challenging, especially when faced with difficult decisions or unclear paths. However, as you seek Him and trust in His guidance, He will reveal His plans for you.

Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

Ephesians 5:17

Understand God’s character and His desire for us if you want to learn how to know God’s will

Before we delve into the practical steps of discerning God’s will, it is crucial to understand His character and His desires for us. Scripture paints a picture of a loving and compassionate Father who wants nothing but the best for His children. He is not a distant or absent God; rather, He is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives.

God’s character is marked by:

  1. Love (1 John 4:8)
  2. Faithfulness (Deuteronomy 7:9)
  3. Wisdom (Romans 11:33)

His desires for us include:

  1. Abundant life (John 10:10)
  2. Spiritual growth (2 Peter 3:18)
  3. Eternal fellowship with Him (John 17:3)

Understanding these truths about God’s nature and His plans for us sets the foundation for seeking His guidance with confidence and trust.

seek wisdom from His Word

It is wise to understand the will of God. That’s why God gave us His Word so we may know how to discern His will for our life. Ironically, the main reason why many Christians don’t seem to know the will of God for their life is that they don’t even read the Bible. Many believers complain that God is not speaking to them when God has been speaking to them through His written Word, the Bible.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

2 Timothy 3:16

God’s Word is a rich source of wisdom and guidance for our lives. As we immerse ourselves in the Bible, we gain a deeper understanding of God’s character, His principles, and His desires for us.

  • Study the Bible diligently, allowing its truths to shape your perspective and decision-making.
  • Pay attention to the examples of men and women who sought and followed God’s will in the Scriptures.
  • Meditate on relevant passages that speak to your specific situation or decision.
  • Allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Word and reveal its application to your life.

By seeking wisdom from Scripture, we align our thoughts and actions with God’s truth, increasing our ability to discern His will.

God’s will must agree with His Word

If you’re going to do something or make a decision that does not agree with God’s word, that’s not His will for you. Many Christians base their decisions on their feelings and emotions. As a result, they end up making the wrong decisions. Feelings change, and emotions are unstable. So it’s not a good foundation for decision-making. Establish your decisions or actions on the Word of God since it is constant and faithful.

If you’re contemplating taking up a job that contradicts the principles of the Bible or hinders you from practicing your faith and being a productive Christian, it’s safe to say that it’s not God’s will for you. The question that you must ask yourself is whether the Bible serves as your ultimate authority.

Pray for guidance and discernment

One of the most powerful tools we have in discerning God’s will is prayer. Through prayer, we invite God into our decision-making process and seek His divine wisdom and direction.

  • Approach God with humility, acknowledging your need for His guidance.
  • Ask Him to open your heart and mind to His truth.
  • Pray for clarity and discernment, that you may perceive His voice amidst the distractions of life.
  • Commit your plans and desires to Him, trusting that He will guide you according to His perfect will.

Remember, prayer is not a one-time event; it is an ongoing conversation with our Heavenly Father. Persist in prayer, and be patient as you wait for His leading.

Related Topic: The Privilege Of Prayer

You must be willing to do God’s will

And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

Acts 9:6

Paul was not a perfect man, but he was a person that knew and accomplished God’s will in his life. He accomplished God’s will simply because he was willing to do God’s will. This truth is evident when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him on the road to Damascus. Paul immediately asked the savior what he wanted him to do.

Not only did Paul want to know God’s will, but he was also ready to accomplish it. Near the end of Paul’s life, he said he finished his course (2 Timothy 4:7.), meaning he completed God’s will for his life. During his missionary journeys, he already mentioned that he wanted to finish his course with joy.

But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

Acts 20:24

God will not reveal His will to us if we refuse to obey His commands as the Bible states. For instance, It is unreasonable to expect God to show us His will if we cannot even follow His simple command of Baptism.

In addition to following God’s commands, it is important to seek understanding and wisdom through prayer and Bible reading. We can also look to trusted spiritual leaders and mentors for guidance. Serving others and putting their needs before our own can also bring us closer to God and help us better understand His will for our lives. It is important to remember that God’s will may not always align with our desires and plans, but trusting in His plan can bring us peace and fulfillment.

Related Topic: The Terrible Consequences Of Disobeying God

Listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading

As believers, we have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, who serves as our guide and counselor. Learning to listen to His gentle promptings is essential in discerning God’s will.

  • Cultivate a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s voice through regular prayer and Bible study.
  • Pay attention to the nudges, impressions, or convictions that arise within your spirit.
  • Be open to the Holy Spirit’s leading, even when it challenges your preconceived notions or plans.
  • Trust that the Holy Spirit will never contradict the principles found in Scripture.

By listening to the Holy Spirit’s leading, we position ourselves to receive divine guidance and wisdom that transcends our limited human understanding.

Related Topic: How To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit

Live a holy life to know God’s will

1I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Romans 12:1-2

As Christians, it is imperative that we discern God’s will for our lives through the Scriptures. To truly understand His desires, we must be holy and acceptable in His eyes. This requires us to align our lives with His teachings and commandments. By doing so, we can confidently receive guidance and direction from God, leading us to make informed decisions. Although living a holy and acceptable life may present challenges, we can draw closer to God and gain a deeper understanding of His will.

Living a holy life involves adhering to the principles outlined in God’s Word. It is impossible to claim holiness while continuing to engage in sinful behavior. When someone truly lives a holy life, they can discern and comprehend God’s will. This assurance is provided within the Word of God, and all that is required is obedience. By doing so, one can experience the blessings accompanying a life aligned with God’s will.

Related Topic: Your Body Is The Temple Of The Holy Spirit

Seek counsel from godly believers

God often uses the wisdom and discernment of fellow believers to guide us in our decision-making process. Seeking counsel from mature Christians can provide valuable perspective and insight.

  • Identify individuals in your life who have a strong relationship with God and a track record of spiritual maturity.
  • Share your situation openly and honestly, seeking their input and advice.
  • Be open to constructive feedback and wise counsel, even if it challenges your initial thoughts or plans.
  • Weigh the counsel you receive against the principles of Scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Remember, while seeking counsel is valuable, the ultimate responsibility for discerning God’s will lies with you. Use the wisdom of others as a supplement to your own prayerful discernment.

Be patient in waiting for God’s will

Many Christians grow impatient, waiting for God’s will. However, we must realize that God wants us to wait in many instances because He wants us to develop patience. Remember that Moses had to wait 40 years in the wilderness before God revealed his will for his life. If you think about it, the patience that Moses developed while waiting for God’s will was precisely what he needed to lead God’s people out of Egypt.

When seeking God’s will, it’s essential to also be open to His leading through circumstances and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes God’s will may not be clear from reading the Bible alone, but He may use various situations and people in your life to direct you toward His plan for you.

Conclusion: Trusting in God’s perfect plan

Discovering God’s will is a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and unwavering trust in our Heavenly Father. As you implement the steps outlined in this guide, remember that God’s ways are higher than our own, and His plans are always for our ultimate good.

  • Surrender your desires and plans to Him, trusting in His perfect timing and provision.
  • Embrace the peace and confidence that comes from knowing you are walking in His will.
  • Share your journey with others, encouraging and uplifting fellow believers as they seek God’s guidance.
  • Rest assured that when you seek Him wholeheartedly, He will guide your steps and lead you into the fullness of His purpose for your life.

May you experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from discovering and embracing God’s will for your life, and may your journey be filled with His divine guidance and blessing.

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